The Track Starts

The Track Starts

After three or four scree/shrub combinations, where the gorge below opens out a little, keep an eye out for the track markers on the opposite side of the river (marked here by the red arrow). A steep scree leads directly down to the river where the track starts, but might be a bit bluffy at the end. The track, while marked and easier going in general, is still very overgrown and will take some time.



  • Honora Honora That scree changes quite a bit over time and can get quite bluffy indeed. I have had some hair-raising moments with inconsiderate members of the party above loosening boulders down on us. Last time I was there, we did the same to a member of our party who was foolishly waiting for us down by the true left bank. He got hit in the back by a stone from our scree and fainted from the pain even though his pack protected him to some degree. His mate was waiting for us in view on the true right bank where he was safe. I was hoping like hell no one was at the foot of the scree because there was nothing we could do about sending rocks down as we were descending from Lake Florence ( a stupid route BTW). These 2 guys had raced on ahead which is not a wise move at all and completely unnecessary as they had to wait for us at the bottom. It was a very evil scree of the marbles on concrete variant. My mate actually got gripped briefly and he's no chicken on tricky terrain. When I got home and recounted all to Frank, I got told off for doing all this stuff and making poor route decisions with a pack of cowboys! We should have descended the spur more before we left it to sidle south to descend to the Rolleston River. I'll put up a pic of the recommended route. Nothing to do with this route, BTW!
    30 January 2011
ID 6349

About this photograph

Added 29 January 2011 by Grayscale. No revisions.


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