Otehake hut

Otehake hut

Otehake hut is an NZFS six bunker that was built in 1963. It is the "stretched style" with a porch as a seperate room at one end. There are a few other similar design huts still around such as the Upper Deception.

Surprisingly no one had visited the hut over the Xmas/New Year period prior to myself yesterday. The last hut book entry was a DOC party in November who were track marking in preparation for track cutting this summer. The tracks either side of the hut have not been officialy cut for many years. They may not have been cut since NZFS days? Once the track is cut I'm sure hut usage will pick up!



  • glennj glennj NZFS records say the hut was built in 1962 but in the hut it says that it was built in 1963 so at a guess it was started in 1962 & finished prior to end of March 1963.
    27 June 2012
ID 6282

About this photograph

Added 10 January 2011 by glennj. 2 revisions, most recently 26 June 2012 by glennjglennj.


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