The Highway to Spey Hut

The Highway to Spey Hut

High Speed Motoring!......"we all realized we were leaving confusion and nonsense behind and performing our One and noble function of the time, MOVE..." (Kerouac) 'Travel is, first and foremost, theological because the other who is God, the other who is REAL, has already travelled to be with US. This is the journey behind all journeys. What we have done is invert it: instead of the REAL MOVING to be with us, now, in a secular, horizontal world, we seek to MOVE to be with that which we perceive to be the REAL' (Grimshaw)



  • Steve Azula Steve Azula Everything was backing away. Read for a bit. It squinted between the lines. Pages were backing away. Print was busy with what print does, Trees with what trees do that time of day, Sun with what sun does, the sea With one voice only, its own, Spoke no other language than that one. (Curnow '1 Lone Kauri Road')
    4 June 2011
  • Steve Azula Steve Azula Trampers, like snails, carry their homes on their backs...they are at home only when they are in Erehwon/ is almost as if the trampers know that presence approaches by moving away... [word to the wise the Erehwon/Nowhere delineation is famously Iam Wedde's and yes its from his book 'How to be Nowhere'...perhaps toiling endless yet never...oh oh oh your curve and shapely swirve are just good mix of the best there ever was [yet never?])...]
    29 May 2011
  • Steve Azula Steve Azula "Dedicated to the winners And the losers Dedicated to ALL Jeeps and LAND CRUISERS Dedicated to the fives 8.50 eyes Dedicated to all the REGGINS who do drive byes" - Wu Tang Clan
    12 May 2011
  • Steve Azula Steve Azula "I was on the road and didn't write about cabbage trees, sheep, or macrocarpas Forgive me the new car I drove was so fast and so sleek" (Pirie)
    3 May 2011
ID 6012

About this photograph

Steve Azula
Added 8 October 2010 by Steve Azula. 7 revisions, most recently 16 May 2012 by Steve AzulaSteve Azula.


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