Kiwi Flat Waitaha River Feb 2010

Kiwi Flat Waitaha River  Feb 2010

This picture shows part of the flat and is taken from just above Morgan Gorge at the bottom of the flat looking East. Kiwi Flat hut can be seen as a spec in the middle distance on the low terrace between Whirling Water and the Waitaha River. The prominent ridge in the background is Headlong Spur.

From the photo this country looks quite benign but once you get off the flat that is not so. It is gorgy rugged going and the tracks above Kiwi Flat are reputedly currently in a poor state.



  • glennj glennj Permolat volunteers did a big stint of track work in the Waitaha early spring 2011 so the tracks above Kiwi Flat that had work done on them have had windfalls cleared and remarking done. They are still rough however with plenty of hookgrass, fern, flaxes & wispy scrub to contend with!
    5 January 2012
ID 5978

About this photograph

Added 1 October 2010 by glennj. No revisions.


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