Mid Styx hut Feb 2009
This photo of Mid Styx hut was taken during a "Permolat" working bee when a group of volunteers worked on hut repairs and track maintenance.
Some of you may recognise the well known critters captured in this shot. From left to right we have stalwart track cutter and regular helper at working bees Alan J.
Permolat founder Andrew B. is in the middle and Steve G. is on the right. (Steve and his daughter Ruth helped at both Mid Styx hut working bees) glennj took the photo. Other working bee participants not in the photo were Mark Mellsop and Di Hooper.
glennj If you wish to find out more about the Permolat Group their website address follows; http://remotehuts.onlinegroups.net/about/
18 May 2012
ID 5642
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