Sutherlands Hut

Aorangi Forest Park

Sutherlands Hut

Sutherlands Hut in the Haurangi Forest Park. The hut is on the 4wd Sutherlands Road from Te Kopi (The Pinnacles) to the Haurangi Road. It gets a few visits from motorcyclists, 4wd and hunters. Cyclists are permitted on the Sutherland Road - but be warned it's a tough 500m climb up from the hut towards the east coast. The hut's a bit run down, but solid, clean and weathertight. Certainly a better option than the nearby dillapidated Averills Hut.



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ID 5532

About this photograph

Added 17 June 2010 by madpom. 1 revision 1 November 2010 by madpommadpom.


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