Steel ladder Tararua Peaks Feb 2010

Steel ladder Tararua Peaks Feb 2010

The steel ladder between Tuiti and Tunui on the Tararua main range. DEFINITELY not for the faint hearted! The ladder was the easy bit really..the rock scramble and goat trail along cliffs had me freaking out! Still, Maungahuka at last after how many years? Definitely worth it!



  • John Saunders John Saunders Must admit, I was still trembling a bit when I got to Maungahuka Hut and somebody handed me a mug of hot tea! Best cuppa ever.
    13 December 2010
  • monkeysh1ne monkeysh1ne Bummer. Glad I'm not alone in how this place affected me. Trust your companion got his/her pack back and survived the ordeal. Poor soul!
    25 October 2010
  • athlete272 I would be interested to see the view down. Looks like i will just have to visit this place.
    2 June 2010
  • bigpaul bigpaul Missed this due to really bad weather last January. Spent the night at Anderson memorial after turning north with a party of five one of whom had left his pack on Tuiti having freaked out. They were still shaking a day later.
    13 May 2010
ID 5433

About this photograph

Added 13 May 2010 by monkeysh1ne. No revisions.


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