Mavora Lakes Walkways

  • return by the same track
  • Easy/medium

A magic place. Think glorious glassy (cold)lake. Reflecting snow covred mountains. Blue sky. Yes I know, all cliches.

Kiwi Burn Swingbridge • By Yarmoss. Licence: C.
Mavora Lakes Walkways: Key information
Walking time
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Return by the same track
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mavora Lakes Walkways: Find it
Mavora Lakes road end. Take a turn off the Mossburn/ Te Anau highway.

This is the wilderness experience of young Southlanders. This is where they learn to light fires, stay in the bush overnight, kill possums with big sticks....Listen out for mohua/ yellowheads, and look up in the canopy for native mistletoe (or on the ground in summer for red flowers)

Winton Burn and Mararoa from Mavora Walkway • By Yarmoss. Licence: C.

So you've got SO many options with this area. Biking, walking, horseriding. 4WD tracks and motorbikes are allowed so be aware. Check out the tops if you're game, the views are fab. You can take a halfday or fill it up and more. There are tracks further down the valley too.

Take a  daypack on your mountain bike up the side of the lake along rough skinny muddy dry sandy foresty bits - it's a lot of fun. NB crouching is good. And I will shout anyone dinner who can go the whole way on the sandy bits without hopping off.

More info on the DOC site

North Mavora Lake to Careys Hut: 2hr 10km.

From the Mavora camping area follow the four wheel drive track around the lake edge to the head of North Mavora Lake and Careys Hut (1.5 - 2 hours).

Careys Hut - Boundary Hut: 2hr 6km: From Carey's Hut the walkway climbs above the hut, then branches in two. The left branch is a very rough 4WD track, crossing the confluence of the Mararoa River and the Windon Burn. This branch of the track then continues for three hours to the Forks Hut (4 bunks). The right branch continues on the walkway to Boundary Hut.

ID 1982

About this track

Added 11 June 2007 by CarenCaren. 4 revisions, most recently 11 June 2014 by YarmossYarmoss.
87 views in the past year (7 per month).