Mid Taipo Hut to Dunns Creek Hut

  • 3 hr – 4 hr return by the same track
  • Medium

The more direct route from Mid Taipo to Dunns Creek, the alternative to heading all the way up Dunns Ck from the track to Dillons.

View from Dunns Creek Hut • By M400-1. Licence: cc by.
Mid Taipo Hut to Dunns Creek Hut: Key information
Walking time
3 hr – 4 hr
Return by the same track
Return by the same track
Will have to cross Hura Creek and Dunns Creek. Hut book notes people getting rained in when Dunns Creek rises. Section up the hill from Hura Ck crumbly, slippery and more of a scramble than a walk. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mid Taipo Hut to Dunns Creek Hut: Find it

Following the track from Mid Taipo Hut (in the direction of Dillon Hut) until you reach Hura Creek. When you drop down into the creek look upstream 20-30m and you will see the start of the track over the hill.

Dunns Creek Hut • By madpom. Licence: cc by.

Track climbs up a mossy, wet, steep and crumbly ex-creek-bed for 2 hours before beginning to flatten out.
Track through here is fairly overgrown (4/19). Slowly wends it's way down towards Dunns Creek, where you have to cross over and through a marshy flat before the hut itself.
Hutbook dates back to '91, an indication of the scarce use. Seems plenty get rained in here.

ID 16907

About this track

Added 12 June 2019 by M400-1M400-1. 2 revisions, most recently 15 June 2019 by M400-1M400-1.
52 views in the past year (4 per month).