Griffin Tops

Griffin Tops

Looking along the tops toward Mt.Griffin. The Serpentine mine is in view below the top of Mt.Griffin. West of Arthurs Pass NP



  • glennj glennj On the NE face of Razorback Ridge amongst sparse short alpine scrub a mate and I came across a jade reef. There are/were jade blebs (boulders) on the surface near the former serpentine mine. Float jade is commonly found in Griffin Creek.
    20 March 2018
  • aardvark aardvark Fascinating.
    19 March 2018
  • glennj glennj No but I have had several looks. I've walked a little from each end and had a look in the middle by climbing up from near the head of Griffin Creek. To traverse this one safely you would need climbing gear. It has been done! There was an abandoned rope up at a campsite on the Griffin Range that was left behind by the party that made the successful traverse.
    19 March 2018
  • aardvark aardvark glennj, have you walked the razorback to the Tara Tama range?
    18 March 2018
  • aardvark aardvark Sorry to say we didn't. No doubt i will be there again and will explore further. Took a chance on the water in the tarn.Kathryn was out.
    18 March 2018
  • glennj glennj Did you visit the serpentine mine & climb Mt Griffin? I have been visiting those tops since 1975 and have never met another party while up on the Griffin and Tara Tama Ranges. Good to see someone else is discovering the area!
    13 March 2018
ID 16603

About this photograph

Added 11 March 2018 by aardvark. 1 revision 18 March 2018 by aardvarkaardvark.


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