Valley Track, Mount Vernon Park

  • 1 hr one way
  • Easy/medium

Easy walking through regenerating forest and over tussockland on Christchurch's Port Hills.

Valley Track, Mount Vernon Park • By matthew. Licence: C.
Valley Track, Mount Vernon Park: Key information
Walking time
1 hr
One way
One way
Track is well graded to picnic shelter. Beyond there, track is rougher and often vague. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Valley Track, Mount Vernon Park: Find it
Mount Vernon Park, The Crescent, Hillsborough, Christchurch
Summit Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch
15m – 316m
Altitude change 301m

The Valley Track runs alongside the popular Rapaki Track, but keeps to the valley floor. You can form a circuit by returning via the Rapaki Track and dropping down Rogers Track back to the car park. For a short and easy option, the return walk to the lunch shelter is 30 minutes.

From Hillsborough Terrace, continue on to The Crescent. The car park and picnic area is on the left. 

Take the marked Valley Track, climbing gently through regenerating forest. You soon pass the end of Rogers Track and come to a nice little hillside lunch shelter. From here, a rougher track clambers up some rocks and continues upvalley and over grassland. You soon pass the end of the Marette Taylor Track which is an alternate route back down.

Eventually the view opens up to Witch Hill and Rapaki Rock. The track pulls alongside Rapaki Track at a saddle. From here, the track is very vague and hard to follow. Eventually, you turn out at the Rapaki Track car park on Summit Road. 

Walking times: 

  • Mount Vernon Park car park to lunch shelter: 15 minutes
  • Lunch shelter to Rapaki Track car park: 45 minutes


ID 16318

About this track

Added 26 February 2017 by matthewmatthew. 1 revision 26 February 2017 by matthewmatthew.
63 views in the past year (5 per month).