Otanewainuku - Otawa Trig - Te Puke Quary rd

  • 7 hr 55 min one way
  • Easy/medium

This route starts at the Otanewainuku car park and for the first 600m follows the Rimu walk. Then it branches off towards the Whataroa waterfalls. On a hot day it's a good idea to make the 70m detour and refresh yourself in the swimming hole under the falls, before setting off on the remaining journey.

The falls track is fairly frequented, so the path is well cleared of debris. The condition of the onward trail marks what is to come. It gets progressively more and more overgrown with grasses, bushes and ferns.

On several occasions you'll be required to climb over fallen trees and logs and scramble up steep climbs.

The route is fairly well signed with markers, yet keep you eyes peeled as at times they disappear from view.

There are a couple of clearings along the way that will offer spectacular views from the ridge down into the valley and all the way towards the coast line.

After 15.5km you finally reach Otawa trig, which starts descend towards Te Puke Quary rd.

Otanewainuku to Te Puke qry rd ridge • By petrfaitl. Licence: C.
Otanewainuku - Otawa Trig - Te Puke Quary rd: Key information
Walking time
7 hr 55 min
One way
One way
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Otanewainuku - Otawa Trig - Te Puke Quary rd: Find it
Te Puke Quary Road
330m – 565m
Altitude change 235m
Otanewainuku - Otawa Trig - Te Puke Quary rd: More information
ID 15993

About this track

Added 15 February 2016 by petrfaitlpetrfaitl. 1 revision 15 February 2016 by petrfaitlpetrfaitl.
97 views in the past year (8 per month).