Old Coach Road Track, Waitakere Ranges

Waitakere Ranges Regional Park

  • 35 min one way
  • Easy/medium

This track follows the course of the original coach road near what is now Mountain Road.

A pleasant bushwalk in itself, link it up with the Fairy Falls or Goodfellow Tracks to form a circuit.

Old Coach Road Track, Waitakere Ranges: Key information
Walking time
35 min
One way
One way
Slippery and muddy in places. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Old Coach Road Track, Waitakere Ranges: Find it
Fairy Falls car park, Scenic Drive, Waitakere Ranges
Fairy Falls car park, Mountain Road, Waitakere Ranges
197m – 371m
Altitude change 174m

This track sets off from the large Fairy Falls car park on Scenic Drive, heading to the smaller Fairy Falls car park on Mountain Road. It can also be accessed from the end of Tawari Road.

The track climbs by the roadside over clay before descending gently under kanuka and dropping out onto Scenic Drive. Follow the roadside to the next bend, where a discreet sign leads back into the forest. This track leads through to the nearby Tawari Road end. 

From Tawari Road, the track drops easily on a slippery and muddy track through a forest of rimu, palms, ponga, kanuka, and the odd kauri. The track passes the backs of houses and the end of the Goodfellow Track. It drops onto a shingle road briefly then becomes a wide old road before arriving at the car park.  

Walking times

  • Scenic Drive to Tawari Road: 12 minutes
  • Tawari Road to Goodfellow Track: 8 minutes
  • Goodfellow Track to Mountain Road: 15 minutes

Connecting tracks

  • Goodfellow Track sidles between Old Coach Road Track and Fairy Falls Track. 30 minutes.
  • Fairy Falls Track closes the loop, meeting at the Scenic Drive and Mountain Road car parks.
This track needs a photograph.
ID 15894

About this track

Added 28 November 2015 by matthewmatthew. 2 revisions, most recently 14 September 2017 by matthewmatthew.
41 views in the past year (3 per month).