Scarborough Bluffs to Taylors Mistake

  • 45 min one way
  • Easy

A lesser known route that climbs over the easy spur behind Sumner.

Taylors Mistake • By matthew. Licence: C.
Scarborough Bluffs to Taylors Mistake: Key information
Walking time
45 min
One way
One way
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Scarborough Bluffs to Taylors Mistake: Find it
Scarborough Bluffs car park, Evans Pass Road, Sumner, Christchurch.
Taylors Mistake Road, Taylors Mistake.
66m – 192m
Altitude change 126m

This track is not well known, but is shorter and easier than you might think. It leads over the headland between the bays of Sumner and Taylors Mistake.

This is not the cliff-edge route that is now closed (owing to much of it falling into the Pacific Ocean in February 2011). This route is well away from coastal cliffs.

Look for the Scarborough Bluffs Track car park on the Evans Pass Road behind Sumner. The rocky track zigzags uphill before setting off up valley under bluffs and lead up toward Evans Pass. Look out for the Taylors Mistake turn off where the track sidles high above the car park. The junction is marked but easy to miss.

A rough and rocky trail leads above forest and housing, climbing onto the easy headland. A poled route leads over a road and down past some replanted ribbonwoods. Old green and yellow posts and walkway signs mark the grassy trail down into Taylors Mistake. The track follows a fenceline, bending to the left and soon coming out at the road above the settlement. From here, you can walk down the road or take the steps down between baches to the beach.

ID 15827

About this track

Added 20 September 2015 by matthewmatthew. No revisions.
56 views in the past year (5 per month).