Lake Mavis

Arthur's Pass National Park

  • 2 days return via same track
  • Medium

A side trip off the popular Mingha-Deception route in Arthur's Pass.

route from Lake Mavis to Edwards Valley bypassing Taruahuna Pass • By Honora.
Lake Mavis: Key information
Walking time
2 days
14 hr
Return via same track
Return via same track
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Lake Mavis: Find it
Greyneys Shelter, SH73 5km south of Arthur's Pass Village
670m – 1,590m
Altitude change 920m

From Greyney's Shelter, do not cross the Bealey River directly but head north and cross just above the confluence with the Mingha. If the river is too high to cross, abandon the trip.

Mingha Biv • By uubeem. Licence: C.

Follow the Mingha riverbed to a gorge (about 1 hr). Look for a track starting beyond a creek on the true right. The track climb away from the river over Dudley and then returns to follow it,  emerging on the riverbed just short of the Mingha Biv.

Eventually, the river bends west where a stream descends through subalpine scrub from Goat Pass. The track over the pass resumes here on the stream's true left. Continue on to the suimmit of the pass. Goat Pass Hut is in a hollow just north of here.

Climb the tussock and scree spur east of the pass. The ridge leads easily to the lake.

ID 1554

About this track

Added 18 November 2006 by matthewmatthew. No revisions.
199 views in the past year (17 per month).