Bull Paddock Creek Track

  • 3 hr – 5 hr return by the same track
  • Medium

Access To Bull Paddock Creek Biv from The Wairau river, this track follows Sand Fly Stream before dropping Bull Paddock Creek. Can be done as a return trip or could go over into Silversteam or Lost valleys.

Bull Paddock Creek Biv • By Kanuka. Licence: cc by.
Bull Paddock Creek Track: Key information
Walking time
1 – 3 days
3 hr – 5 hr
Return by the same track
Return by the same track
Relatively easy and well marked with permolat. The Forest service retired the track in 1994. Is now maintained by community - last cut Jan 2017. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Bull Paddock Creek Track: Find it
610m – 1,340m
Altitude change 730m

The Wairau riverbed is private land seek permission. Pick the crossing in the Wairau carefully, hence this track is not possible after rain. Best during low to lowish normal flows. Beware of wasps during season. 

The track starts approximately 100m up Sandfly Stream, past a large slip on the true left. Permolat marks the start of the track, from here the track heads up Sandfly Stream on the true left along the edge of an very old river terrace. The track crosses Sandfly Stream about 1.5km up, from here it heads upstream a further 40m and then turns and heads up a spur. The spur starts off quite broad however begins to narrow approaching the 960m mark where the track veers off the ridge onto a steep sidle. From here sidle across a gut and into a second larger gut, there are a few old windfalls/ logs on the final section of the sidle. Head up the gut and over the saddle into the Bull Paddock Creak catchment. Descend down the other side around 40m before beginning to sidle. The track sidles around into a step gut where it descends slightly before continuing to sidle into Bull Paddock creek. The track continues up the through open beach forest on the true left. In places the ground trail is a bit undefined however its easy walking through the open forest. Near the hut the track emerges into an open tussock and speargrass covered clearing. Head across the clearing and up to the hut, which is out of sight initially (the hut is actually 100m higher & upstream of where it is marked on the map).

The cut was recut and marked in January 2017. The sandfly stream section is now in excellent conditon. We ran out of time in to cut the upper Bull Paddock Creek section, however it's straight forward walking through the open beach forest.

The track is not on topo50 maps please see the GPX file for track.

ID 13442

About this track

Added 30 September 2014 by KanukaKanuka. 9 revisions, most recently 27 March 2017 by HonoraHonora.
205 views in the past year (17 per month).