Mangakirikiri Stream

Raukumara Forest Park

Mangakirikiri Stream

The Mangakirikiri Stream, coimbined with the Mangamate is the most common walking route in/out of Mangakirikiri hut (the others being up the Motu, and a 3-day traverse to the My Hikurangi roadend).

Unlike Raukumara streams further east it is not shallow, stoney and choked with vegetation. Instead it is deep, running in the base of dark, mossy gorges for much of it's length. There are many pools, and several require swimming. Below the Mangamate there are no significant waterfalls or rapids, so apart from being wet and requiring swimming, going is not so bad ...



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ID 10226

About this photograph

Added 25 May 2014 by madpom. 1 revision 25 May 2014 by madpommadpom.


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