Mangamauka Stream

Raukumara Forest Park

Mangamauka Stream

The Mangamauka branches off the Oronui at Oronui hut, and forms the next leg of the Raukumara crossing track west of the hut.

Going is ok, for the most part, on shingle flats and in the river. In places that valley is narrow, and windfall is a problem.

The track over to the Mangatutara does not exist on the ground. However, heading up the spur where the maps shows a track will eventually lead you to a discernible ground trail and occasional permolat markers. Be warned - on the Mangatutara side the map appears to be wrong, with the track descending one spur further upstream. Not that it matters - it's all so overgrown that on- or off-track makes little difference.

It's a slow, tough traverse between these two catchments - allow twice your estimated time!



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ID 10217

About this photograph

Added 25 May 2014 by madpom. No revisions.


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