Raukokore River - rapids below Te Kumi

Raukumara Forest Park

Raukokore River - rapids below Te Kumi

The Raukokore is generally easy going for a tramper from the confluence with the Waikura to Te Kumi Flats. However, researching the trip I talked to a few hunters who hunt the area on horseback. How they get the horses up these boulder-rapids would be something to see.

A good tent camp exists at Te Kumi, though note the Green Hut marked on maps at the next flats upriver is long gone.

The headwaters are steep and slipped, but with care routes onto ridgelines can provide routes over into neighbouring catchments. Above 1000m thick leatherleaf becomes prominent - be warned!

Access is from Te Kumi Roadend - down Waikura road from SH35.



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ID 10206

About this photograph

Added 25 May 2014 by madpom. No revisions.


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