Articles on this website?

When I go to Menu - Contribute there is an option to "Add Article' But I don't see any articles people have contributed. (Unless under Photographs?) Am I blind and embarrassing myself here, or are people not contributing articles, or is this broken or obscure functionality?
Yeah, it is a little confused - my recollection is that the Articles menu item disappeared when Mathew upgraded the website. You can still find them using the search function eg search for "Lewis Pass" and find at least 7 articles (as well as photos, huts, etc).
Yes, thought I'd seen a way in the past and managed to look at a couple of articles, but as you say that menu item may have disappeared in an upgrade.
Have a look under 'Tracks and Routes' then 'Trip Reports'.
Ah ha! So that's where they are, thanks Briar. So if I go to Menu - Contribute - Add Article, that's where they end up. It doesn't look like people are producing articles / trip reports that often, Honora quite recently, but before that last was in August last year?
Yup, I like to write up my wee rambles and as they are off-route quite often, I do this as an article. Hoping to write up our South Opuha trip sometime soon. We were the second party up the river in 4 years since the new hut was built. Huge trout, 4 Tahr nannies and 1 wallaby seen.
It's tricky to know how to surface content like this as it really depends what the topic is. However, if you write a trip report and mark it as such then it will appear under Tracks and routes > Trip reports. Basically, the old menu had an item labelled "Articles" which does not really inspire you to click it. I'd rather see articles show up under relevant topics. Ideally articles will also appear on the home page. If some type of content is not showing up, do let me know and I will figure out where to put it. There are a number of reasons article submission is low. In part, it simply takes quite a lot of effort. But there are other factors I can work on. Just so you know, the feature I am working on at the moment is collections. With a collection, you can aggregate together a number of resources, order them and make notes on them. For example: "My top 10 favourite overnighters" or whatever. You can then either share them or keep them for your private reference. There's quite a lot of work to do here, so it will take a bit of time. --Matthew
I do like the fact that the most recent articles appear on the home page as you can easily see when something new is added. (although I have just noticed that the layout and content seems to be different depending on whether or not you are logged in). Personally, I have contributed a couple of trip reports but generally I publish these on my personal blog instead.

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