Dusky Sound + Stewart Island February/March

Hi, I'm planing on doing the Dusky Sound Track and the 10-day circuit on Stewart Island in February or March and looking for company:-) (Stewart Island could also be done later). I did already a lot of tramping on my own during the last 3 months in New Zealand (Richmond Alpine Crossing, Nelson-Lakes to Lewis-Pass over Waiau-Pass, tramps around Arthur's Pass) and would consider myself as reasonable fit and experienced. In consideration of actual walking times I normally stick to the average walking time for a track but like to take some breaks and lots of photos in between. To be honest I don't talk much during tramping itself because I'm either concentrate not to stumble over my feed when the track is difficult or just like to look at the landscape and scenery around. This doesn't mean I'm a silent person at all! I really enjoy to have a chat about god and the world during breaks and in the evening in huts;-) Does this sound like a suitable companion to you? Then please contact me and join me for some adventures!
Hi,i am based in Auckland & i am interested in some of the tramps you have planned & have considered them in the past, i am flying to the South Island (Queenstown )this Thursday & starting the Greenstone Caples track on Friday to Monday (01/02), i appreciate that you are an experienced tramper as i am too so understand the planning required. Keen to chat some more. Thanks Mike
Hi Mike, thanks for your reply:) I'm going to Wanaka tomorrow and go over the Cascade Saddle (if weather is alright) and walk out over the Rees Dart Track. I'll probably be in Queenstown around the 4. February. How long will you be on the South Island? I tried to sent an internal message to you but somehow don't understand how it works?:-/ Could you try to sent an internal message/mail to me? Thanks, Steffi
rain forecast for a few more days for aspiring, inadvisable to do cascade saddle in the rain, the tussock is slippery when wet. lot of accidents up there in the wet http://www.metservice.com/mountain/mt-aspiring-national-park
Hi Steffi, it seems a bit complicated sending internal messages, i tried to work it out but it hasn't worked. I return from my hike (Greenstone Caples ) about lunch time on 01/02 and will be flying out of QT back to Akld on 02/02 at lunch time, I have heard of the Cascade Saddle but never done it. I fly into QT Thursday morning. I will have another go at working out the internal messaging. Thanks Mike
@waynowski: Thanks for that advise:) @keweguy: We keep in contact. If internal messages is still not working out I'll give you my e-mail address. Have a good time on Greenstone Caples track!
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@waynowski: thanks, again;-) @keweguy: As far as I understand it you have to enable in your profile that you want to receive and send internal messages.
Hi, Yes I have found the setting and done it, check your inbox, there should be a message there.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by steffialb
On 24 January 2016
Replies 8
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