Auckland area

To go tramping round Auckland, it is easy to go with a club. I say this because the doc was telling visitors that there is no easy way to get out to the Hunuas or Waitakeres. I hope they now tell visitors about the tramping clubs. The Auckland Tramping Club accepts people who walk in, no questions asked, and has the largest variety of trips. See their web pages for trips.
Younger Auckland Trampers Under 40 trampers. Under 25 trampers. Younger Aucklanders who want to try tramping. This message is about tramping with people who are near your age. It is for people in Auckland, New Zealand. We hope this is a good page to find if you have googled: tramping, tramper, tramp, hiking, hiker, walking, rambling, backpacking, trekking, bushwalking, rogaining, coasteering, snowboarding, skiing. 20s and 30s, young adult, under 30s, under 25s, under 40s. Outdoors people, making friends, good company, having fun, adventure. The folk from the Auckland Tramping Club wish to meet the needs of younger trampers who find the tramping scene is too dominated by older people. We in the ATC are, in mid 2007, starting by offering day tramping trips exclusively for people who are not yet forty years old, and also for people under 25. We will try occasional day trips, then see what is wanted. Just turn up and tramp! You are free to do other ATC trips too, of course. Also, you can use our great hut at Ruapehu to snowboard, ski and climb. You can use our club bus to do trips from A to B. If you are under 40 and can help plan or lead trips, call the club trips officer, Bruce, on 378 4840. Come along and meet up with other people roughly your age, and who share your interest in tramping. See the Day Trips list for tramps for under 40s and under 25s
Hi all, The MSC are reconsidering how compass use is taught. There is a move to teach the grid north method, as opposed to the magnetic. In the grid north method you do not do any mental arithmetic, you just point the compass needle at twenty degrees, if around Auckland. You can see both methods explained in the Bushcraft Manual. I find the Magnetic North method explanation too hard to read. If you have an opinion, please share it. Bruce.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by calvert
On 24 May 2007
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