Seeking S-Island Tramping partner(s for January 09

Hi everybody, I'm a 24 year old Canadian leaving Wellington to attend a music festival down on the south island over new years, then looking to do some traveling and trail tramping for some of January. I'm looking at taking on a 2-3 day trail hike and am eager to find some people who want to do that same. I will be in the Nelson/Heaphy area on January 3rd if anybody would be interested in going from there. Otherwise, I can imagine that my travel will being me down to Christchurch then Dunedin over the course of the month. I'm a fun guy into photography, martial arts, music and filmmaking. Give me a holler (
Hi, I'm just back from London for a 6 week holiday (dunedin based) and am looking at going tramping sometime between the 15th - 21st Jan in the SI - hopefully Mt Aspiring/ Te Anau/ West Coast area. If you're keen for a tramp between these dates let me know. I've just been up in Nelson as well - and previous years have been to the festivals (Phat was it?)
I'm available from 2/11 - 2/16. I'll will this work for you?

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by cherok
On 26 November 2008
Replies 2
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