Tramping partners

I have posted this on other parts of this site but thought I'd pop it in here as well. I am coming over from Australia in April to do the Travers-Sabine circuit from 7th-13th and was wondering if any of the good people here are interested in coming along. I just thought I'd put it out there. Well, you never know, do you? As for tramping partners as a whole I think it would be a good idea to have a specific section within the Forums in which people who have plans for a tramp can seek others who may be interested, and vice versa. I appreciate that there is also the noticeboard on this site, but a more specific "People seeking" kind of section might be a good idea? What does anyone else think? I know that most of the people here probably already belong to Tramping clubs so this isn't really an issue, but for us foreigners, and there are a lot of us that love NZ for all it's natural beauty, it can be difficult to make contact with like minded people who may wish to join up and tramp, camp, scramble and climb. Just a thought!
The Travers-Sabine looks like a nice route, I have done part of it. It is a busy time at work for me between the 7th-13th... that is the main reason I did not offer. It is a popular tramp so you should have company atleast at the huts. There is chance of snow when you cross the pass between the travers and the sarbine. To save a bit of time you could take a water taxi to the head of the lake. A side trip to the Blue lake is well worth the effort. That would add a day to your trip.
Thanks for that. At the moment this is still the plan and we hope to do Mt Franklin in the process as well, however things may change and we may end up doing Tappy instead. Will keep you posted.
hi guys, I have added a new forum:

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by normclimb
On 26 February 2008
Replies 4
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