Website updates for August

Just to let you know there are some substantial changes coming. All the work below is in progress. It includes:- * Transparency around moderation. As discussed about a month ago, transparency is important so that people understand the process and to avoid accusations of unfairness or bias. Moderation needs a lot of work, so the next update will just be first steps. In future, for example, I'd like to add retroactive branching by the forum thread original poster, and similar tools. * Rebuilt navigation. The current navigation is dated, and does not work well on mobile devices. The new navigation will change all that. It will also support keyboard navigation and hotkeys. * Rebuilt photo library. Once again, first steps. A new and better looking layout, with further improvements to be added on top. I have noted that there are a few annoying bugs and will try to sort them out too. I aim to release these updates in August, but I may miss slightly.
One really stupid issue I have - and it's probably all my fault - is that I find it really hard to navigate to anything that is not on the front page. What am I missing?
Hi, Can you tell me what you mean? Do you mean that the dropdown menu at top isn't working? Or do you mean it's confusing? Can you give me an example?
Well one example is the Articles page. I'm sure there are more than 8 or so of them, but I can't see how to get to the older ones. I'm going to feel so stupid when you explain this :-)
Sometimes I can dig up articles I know I've written by googling them. Not so helpful if you don't know such an article exists though in the first place.
Select Home-Articles and do an article search for 'A'. You'll get a very long list that will have you browsing for days :)
@bernieq Many thanks. Stuck at home with cold/flu/hell bug. Have days.
Another one for your list Matthew. Merge seems to be broken. Tried to merge hut 9008 into 2070 which are the same place. But just got: The PATHS parameter to the createVersion function is required but was not passed in.

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Started by matthew
On 14 August 2015
Replies 7
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