Whats everyone got planned?

I know that we have had this type of thread before but I figure seen as there isnt much happening on this website at the moment I just thought I would ask what everyone is up to, Have ya got anything planned for the weekend or training ya self up for a big tramp during the summer? Just thought I would see what everyones up to, its good to read about other peoples tramping trips plus it also gives ya a few ideas for tramping trips of your own.
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did queen charlotte walk, staying at luxury accomodation... had a hot day between punga cove and the portage. went through two and a half litres of water. had a lazy time at luxmore hut on the kepler, sitting out the rain for a day one person had to be carried to iris burn shelter, immobilised with hypothermia in strong wind and rain. not sure if thats what caused a number of people to abandon their packs on the ridge to high tail it down to iris burn hut they person with hypothermia got helicoptered off the following day the people climbed back up the following day to retrieve their packs... by comparison it was a tame trip on the routeburn, in cloud across the top, mountains sitting above the cloud at harris saddle.. then a stinking hot day and a half in the routeburn valley
Upper Matakuhia Hut Friday and Saturday an easy weekend ahead or so i hope
What was condition of the track like Big Paul? See any animals? Many Thanks
Easy in some areas overgrown in others some track markers but a very quick walk 2hrs in and the same out. No deer sign however some pig rooting down close to the river. Not much in the way of bird life but did see one blue duck.
Sparrowhawk Biv across the tops and down colenso spur over the next two days. have a feeling its going to be hot
Planning for chilling out at some place where nobody can disturb me....!!!
Upper Te Hoe because i haven't been there next week
have to get out for a walk next weekend, am having a knee op next month so have not been doing much at all for a fair while, but after i am fixed up will be back into it
So Upper Te Hoe is still there though the track in is a bit overgrown in places the hut seems to see a party a month. Quite light use for such a nice hut. Burn hut in the Tararua's this weekend and a look along the tops in preparation for a longer trip later in the year.
Ridge sth of Burn is remarked / cleared _most_ of way between burn hut track & top of Puketurua Track. Next 1km sth last cut in 2006. But after that climb of ngapuketurua and saddle to massey very thick and not cleared/marked yet. bring your loppers n tape!
321–330 of 341

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Forum The campfire
Started by Jono51
On 24 September 2009
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