Wanting to Buy a decent Pack

Hi guys/gals I am looking at walking some of the National Park multi-day tramps. I haven't done any multi-days before and hence my gear is very basic. I have a decent set of boots but I am looking to buy a back-pack which would be decent quality but also fairly cheap (I am living on a student budget !). So what do you guys recomend? I don't mind second hand either. Is anyone looking to sell, by any chance? Regards Parham
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Hi mattski, I prefer to just block people. Please keep language appropriate for all ages. Thank you.
@ geeves, i think matski meat "no good" instead of "no gold"
Go ahead Matthew block me, i care so much. Oh noes some one might see one swear word on your screen. really?
No need just yet, mattski. Let me explain. The reason I haven't used a word filter is that it becomes an arms race of new insults. I prefer to have a rule that we just treat each other with respect. Coarse language often indicates that's not happening, and it also means the site is not child-friendly. You may or may not care about that, but I do. I hope that makes sense and works for you. If not there's more internet out there. Oh btw I am considering adding a word filter. It could be a handy reminder to people.
If you do add a word filter be very careful how its set up. A board I administer was on Proboards and there default filter was next to useless. There were things in there Ive never heard of and to make it worse it picked strings of letters inside words. Have a guess how many normal words have swear words hidden inside them.Esspecially once you include slang terms and foreign versions there of. Couldnt turn the filter off as we were using the free version but ended up with only 3 words left in it as we couldnt have less. Some of the substitute words it put in were hilarious. Much better to rely on everyones good will. It wouldnt be more than once or twice a year that people have to be reminded to watch there ps and qs.
fair enough but we are have been off the subject for a no of posts now, something against forum rules, so maybe this topic about moderation should be in another thread and the OP should be able to have a thread to do with buying a pack instead...
11–16 of 16

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Forum Buy / sell / exchange
Started by sciencecrazy
On 24 January 2014
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