Disposing propane/butane canisters

I have a couple of these canisters at home that I want to dispose of and at least one has some gas in it....I can't seem to find anywhere the appropriate way to dispose of them?
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Before you burn off all your bits of gas with associated emissions, have you seen this? G-WORKS LPG Adapter/Camping Propane Small Tank Input and a Lindal Valve Output Seems like a solution to all those partially used cannisters by enabling you to transfer gas from one to another!! Bye bye wasted gas! Have just ordered one from Amazon.
There are people refilling butane canisters from the bbq bottle using adapters like this. Dont hear of any issues but there are several disclamers. Dont try any of this if you are not appropriately trained. If you chose to do this remember the valve wasnt designed with reusability in mind so could fail afer an unknown number of refills. Before starting buy a new cartridge of the same brand and weigh it. Dont fill your refills past this weight BBQ gas in NZ is a butane propane mix. This is generally safe but does not have the cold performance of isobutane mixes
I refill mine. Probably done it with 5-6 canisters. Seems to work ok, but as geeves said, I wouldn’t want to try using them at altitude.
People often comment about butanes poor performance at altitude. Butane is badly affected by temperature as its boiling point is about -0.5 so pressure drops getting close to this. However its the pressure difference that keeps your stove going so 2000 meters up the hill it will still work to below this temperature even though it would have stopped at home. If its 10C it wont matter what height you are at it will work fine. For security though liquid fuels are still king.
On long,multidayers,we land up with several empty gas bottles.When we get to a hut with an axe,they get a smack on the head to flatten them.Punctured & bulk removed quick smart.Have never had any issues.
Sounds good and reading between the lines its a pu version of event. https://dailycrossword.onl/usa-today/ https://mailsafe.onl/protonmail/
If worried about a spark put some grease or wet mud around where you intend to hit the bottle. Dont miss. Not great for the axe or chisel but it will quench any spark
Refill them? I'm interested, how easy, safe is this?
Refilling with propane or butane? My advice is don't - small risk, huge consequence. Easy with the appropriate connector, but ..... The risk is failure of the lindal valve and possible explosion. The canister valve isn't designed for refilling - it *can* be refilled but it also can be damaged, which may not manifest until out on a tramp where it might just leak out or flame or go bang. One thing to be aware of : Propane is less dense so if you put the same amount of propane as original butane/propane mix, you will have a higher pressure in the canister - can the canister handle that? Possibly but be careful not to overfill. Propane canisters are thicker for a reason! To have a similar pressure with propane as the original mix, your refilled canister should weigh no more than 315g (c/w 365g original canister). Imo, the cost saving isn't worth the risk.
Thumbs up
I read a fascinating account of a family under siege during the Bosnian crisis. They bartered by being able to refill cigarette lighters from an LPG canister. This, plus having looted a bottle store for alcohol (antiseptic and source of calories), helped them to survive the siege. I met a campervan hire manager the other day who said they were obliged not to store too many of the left-in-van gas canisters so they were disposing of them. Must get back to them on that as partially full canisters e.g. 60g, are very useful for a weekend trip campared with a full canister.
11–20 of 23

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