Any ideas?

Hi Everyone, I am so glad that I have come across this site. So much information. A friend and I are heading to NZ in Jan/Feb next year for a week or so. This may be a tall ask but is there a 5 - 7 (even up to 10) hike that you can stay at pubs or inns along the way. Not up to carrying heaps of weight. Heading in one direction - don't like walking along the same track - though sometimes i can't be helped to see a fantastic site/view. At the start or end we would like to do some rafting/canoeing for a couple of days. Thanks Lid
Hi lidze. That sounds similar to the Queen Charlotte Track near the top of the South Island, at a guess, though the timing would depend on how you did it. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I think there are B&B's along the way and you can probably sea-kayak sections of it. If you search around you'll find heaps. Here are a couple of starting points: * * There may be alternatives that others can also point out. You could look up any of New Zealand's Great Walks ( ) -- some of which you can get packs carried and others like Abel Tasman or the Whanganui Journey you can factor in kayaking or canoe'ing), but the accomodation will be more simple and you'll probably be cooking your own meals unless you pay thousands of $ to a tour company.
Thank you for your advice will check it out. Great starting point.Will let you know how I go. Thanks Lid
Yeah, Queen Charlotte sounds like the trip you're after. We did it a couple of months ago in four days (three nights) and it cost us maybe $300-400 each. We stayed the first night in cabins (own food), second night in tents at a camp ground (own food again), then splashed out for the last night at a lodge and ate at their restaurant. Packs were ferried for us at $10 a day each, just carried a day-pack with some snacks and drinks. You choose how you want to travel though - you can stay in lodges the whole way if you want. Great walk in summer.
I guess you had a raincoat too!
Thanks for the nice information IZOGI

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Started by lidze
On 28 May 2010
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