Gearing up for first hike - Need boot advice.

Hey guys and girls, I'm planning on taking up hiking once I am a bit fitter, as a way of staying healthy and getting out amongst the country more. I have planned out most of the gear I will need, but I'm stuck on one thing, which seems to be the most important, the hiking boots. I have put away around $260 for a set of boots, I know for a really awesome set of boots that will last a lifetime you should be paying $400+ but it's just out of my budget. Can anyone recommend some good brands or even specific boots that would be good for a beginner? I don't plan on doing much Alpine, just the standard rock, mud, grass and sand to begin with, I could stretch my budget a little ($300ish) but that's about it, I'm not too worried on the life length of them, just the quality and break in time. I assume boots make or break the hike, and because I know nothing about hiking (nor do any of my friends) I'm wary of picking up a pair of boots, I don't want to be thrown off hiking on my first trip because my boots destroyed my feet! Any advice appreciated. Regards, Ben
Hey Ben & welcome! I'm no expert on boots but have gone through a few pairs, I would say go for something not super firm / solid but a bit softer for your first pair, especially if you plan to start mainly on tracks and below the bushline. Outdoors shops will be able to advise. But the most important thing is that they're comfortable on you. I have Merrells now but my first pair were Hitecs with really soft uppers, cheap and no break in time and very comfy, but not so much support for walking off track and they didn't last so long. However different brands suit different feet. And don't bother worrying about waterproofness; they will get wet the first time you cross a river anyway.
PS and wear them plenty before your first tramp! If you get hot spots out tramping put strapping tape over them or if that's not enough use something like Blister Block under the strapping tape, but do something about it BEFORE they turn into blisters.
Ah wow thanks alot for the speedy reply. I had a look at the Merrells range and they look really great, with an excellent price range. I'll find some dealers and get some fittings done shortly, thanks alot :)
Fit is the most important thing to consider when buying boots, like chris1 mentioned different brands and models suit different fit. Last time I went boot shopping there was plenty of good deals to be had, with a bit of searching it is not difficult to find them with a 30-40% discount. In general I am not a fan of leather boots, because they get wet and stay wet when tramping in New Zealand and unless you take good care of them the leather world crack and split sooner rather then later. I also favour lighter boots over heavy, simply because they are less tiring to wear and quicker to dry. Unless you are going into snow or along rougher tracks then a good pair of shoes is often fine.
Have a good study on the net about what you need to know about choosing a boot that fits well e.g. some people have a low volume foot and others have a high volume foot. I have a surfer's knob,a bony heel and a high arch. But hey, I don't have to worry too much as I tramp in sandals, Ashley rubber gummies and Koflach plastics. Leather boot wearers talk well of Meindl boots and Scarpas are good for some people. On the other hand (or is it foot?)some people also find the dreaded La Sportiva Makulu type models OK. Different brands will be good for different types of feet. My partner does most of his tramping in low cut trekking shoes.

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