Tramping illegal

Tramping is now officially illegal.
181–190 of 214

Except in the Takitimus. I'd like to make it clear that tramping is still absolutely prohibited in the Taki's until ... erm ... how long will the circuit take me? Let's say Tuesday!
watch for the stampede of TA walkers...
They only skirt the edge of the park ... thankfully. If that advice was aimed at me.
theres the odd TA walker around the south island waiting to go from comments i've seen. not sure how many
Apparemtly the TA walkers were piling up in Hawea being 'greeted' off that section of the trail a few days into lockdown apparently unaware of the new restrictions. Guess they'll have had to sit it out there unless they got flights home. So some would be looking at continuing in that case I guess.
After a norovirus outbreak at Carrington Hut traced to the benches about 10 years ago, DoC started dropping off bottles of some disinfecting spray. I think it's all used up/taken out by now. But the virus did survive there. It is very resilient and when vomited up has been known to get in the light fixtures. I would consider the huts currently out of bounds as they can't be kept properly clean but as you say, a warden or vigilant occupier could go round cleaning the surfaces. I tell you I'm having to do this multiple times a day and it does your head in figuring out what you're meant to be cleaning. The infection control maven came round today and asked me if the alcohol wipes were placed by the contact tracing fill-in sheet for using to wipe the pen? (yes, they were). She then made sure that the wipes weren't drying out in the canister. But when I poured the liquid content of a just emptied wipes canister into the ongoing one she wasn't happy about that! I knew she wouldn't be too. So it will be nice to just stay in a tent somewhere where other folks don't go much and not wash my hands all weekend after disinfecting them hundreds of times a day.
being winter DOC arent likely to want to man many, if any huts. as you say they may only allow people into manned huts... the great walks would be a priority in summer to open followed by bookable huts, the are manned at some stage at least , so they can be cleaned regularly... DOC won't want an infection spread traced back to one of their huts, bigger ones being a problem, you've got an 80 bunk hut in the coromandel used year round with large youth groups going to it... the potential for infection spread would be massive it the virus was missed there. anyway DOC are supposed to announce today their plan for alert level 2
I can imagine Doc taking the opportunity of converting all serviced huts to bookable. If you dont agree please remove this post before doc reads it and thinks about the idea. Only other way is a sign in book at all road ends Its the only way they can achieve contact tracing and most of the standard/ basic huts are small enough to not be a problem. (until you get 12 shareing a 6 bunk.)
>It’s important visitors take responsibility for their own COVID-19 hygiene and cleaning requirements: >-be prepared to undertake additional cleaning when using huts, toilets, and campsites >-you will need to carry your own cleaning and protective equipment to safely use shared facilities (including toilets) >Bookable accommodation is capped to 10 people and there should be no more than 10 people at any of the larger non-bookable huts. At all huts appropriate physical distancing is required – bring a tent. >If you are planning on using DOC accommodation: >-stay home if you are unwell >-enable contact tracing - tell someone before you go, and use the hut books >-practise physical distancing - 2 metres for people you do not know. Free-for-all it is! Get into it everyone - weather looking okay for this weekend too. I'm of the opinion that the backcountry is the least of our worries so good to see a somewhat pragmatic approach - however you won't find me in a hut.
I stand corrected. There's also a note in there telling people they're not allowed to use huts if they're required to self-isolate. It's sadly amusing that needed to be said.
181–190 of 214

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