Water warning signs

Just heard that all huts will now be getting the 'Not potable' water sign rather than the current two-level mix of 'Danger: must be boiled' and 'Warning: you may wish to boil'. This is apparently an outcome of the Havelock water contamination issue with the same rules for regular testing water quality being foisted onto DOC as any other water provider if they label it as anything other than non-potable. Just letting you know in case you think the water quality has actually changed in some way at your fabourite hut! Stand back for the cries of outrage...
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Don’t you love Health and Safety ? Almost as good as the Fire Exit signs, on single door huts.
Many years ago, I had a mate who got paid to be flown around in a helicopter and install all those fire exit signs in many of the huts around Marlborough. Easiest days work he ever did. (That is days multiple BTW) I shudder to think what it cost and why they couldn't have been installed as part of the huts regular maintenance/visits.
something to do with the law for public buildings and accommodation that have more than x no of occupants.. really made for larger buildings. but the law doesn't take into account small mountain huts, they have that many occupants then the law says the sign must go in and it must go in asap or you may then risk legal problems which may include prosecution and large fines.... i think i read somewhere it was claimed, they were pulling bunks out of some huts because once a building sleeps more than x no of people, around 5 or 6 you have to have a second door.... no idea the truth to that...
To be clear I've seen no indication that any specific visits have been made just to replace the signs. The above info was what I was told when asking about those signs that had changed.
Reminds me of the hoops that had to be jumped through when building the second orange shelter in Akatarawa forest. The current one is the 3rd shelter despite looking like a hut. Regional council owns the land but building permits still go to the relevant council. GWC first reffered us to Upper Hut who said sorry thats Kapiti Kapiti said we understand but cant see how to bend the rules. Can you get examples of other huts so we can use that as a precedent. Otherwise its wired smoke alarms connected to the brigade including exit lights paraplegic access etc We got out of fire alarms by calling it a shelter but it still had to have wheelchair access so if you can get to the middle of a 4wd area you can get into the hut. Fire alarms might of saved the second hut after some unknown person had an accident with a match and 5 gallons of petrol. How the firebrigade was ever going to attend I dont know. GWC had insured it so the new hut was built and volunteer labour meant it could be built in concrete block
Regarding Fire exit signs above the single door to a hut: I imagine some people wake up disorientated and that sign might be quite helpful. I've known some people to not remember where they are sleeping, yet alone where the exit is. I love the advice that says if you can't exit via the door, the alternative exit is to try the door again!

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