Hidden hut in Tararuas

Wondering how many hidden huts there are in Tarries. Found one and looking for others. Would be nice to know how many I have to go.
31–40 of 45

there is a 'hut" in the bush on Pig Flat, haven't seen it yet, but its there (Not old Mt House)
That's be interesting to track down. Is it anywhere near the clearing on the left whilst going up? Last time I visited was at dusk, and pushed my way in for a look but was rapidly overpowered by insects flying at my face, so retreated to the track. I can see the clearing easily on the linz imagery but no obvious sign of a structure anywhere.
How far off the track is it?
not sure. know people been there. somewhere on the bush flat
I'd exchange the co-ordinates for this hut for either a dozen beers, or useful info that lead to bagging one of the last (rumoured) Tararua huts that I need to chase up: - Upper tauherenikau hut, - Spion Kop hut, or - Camelbacks/Square knob hut. Lols
Do you have any pictures you could share of it Si-dog?
I have pics but Im not able to post them here.....no functionality to do that?
Another hut to add to your list @si-dog (assuming you haven't found it already) is the old Angle Knob hut, which has been reduced to some bunks and a few relics scattered around.
Cheers Bazza - I think a party set off to look for this hut but couldnt locate it. It blew off angle knob a few years ago as I recall. Is it easy to find? I will be taking a party over angle knob shortly on a mission to another hut.....
Anyone found Rabbit Flat hut? Weasel creek biv(s)? Waiotauru? This Upper tauherenikau one sounds interesting... Happy to share more with other keen hut baggers. Agree with keeping locations secret unless messaged!
31–40 of 45

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