Devils Den Bivouac / Devilskin Biv

Lake Sumner Conservation Park

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 2493 created 6 May 20076 May 2007 by madpommadpom.

Devils Den / Devilskin bivouac (2 beds, no matress, no fire, stream water) is a small, basic bivouac on the bushline below Devilskin Pass. The biv is all the more basic (and all the more cold) since DOC removed the fireplace a couple of years ago.

The biv does, however, make a good emergency shelter, or rest point for those crossing Devilskin pass - and was a reassuring presence on the cold March day on which I crossed the pass in 3 feet of snow! A good cut track leads up to the biv from Nina hut, and whilst steep is well maintained (March 2007). The pass is now poled, and a cut, marked track leads down the south side to the Doubtful Valley (this latter track is not marked on some toopmaps).

Devils Den Bivouac above Devilskin Pass • By ledge.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Sleeps 2
Water supply
Tap or tank water
Getting there
Getting there
Nina Hut: 1.5-4hrs. Steadily climbing cut / marked track from Nina Hut.

Doubtful Valley / Doubtless Hut: 2.5-6hrs. Poled route over tops then cut track through beech to Doubtful River. River crossing to Doubtless Hut OK in low-moderate flows.

This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 1890

About this hut

Added 6 May 2007 by madpommadpom. 5 revisions, most recently 6 May 2007 by madpommadpom.
172 views in the past year (14 per month).