powdered alcohol

"Want to turn water into rum? Great news: You’ll be able to by the end of the summer! Well, probably. Lately, people have been talking about Palcohol, or powdered alcohol. The boozy powder was invented in the name of convenience: An active outdoorsman, creator Mark Phillips wanted to enjoy a drink after an excursion but didn’t want to lug heavy bottles of liquor with him. Phillips spent years tinkering and working with scientists to create the perfect recipes. The result: Five small, easy-to-transport packets filled with patent-pending powder. Mix the contents of each packet with 6 ounces of liquid (water, soda, or juice), and you have rum, vodka, a cosmopolitan, a lemon drop, and a margarita-ish drink. One pack, which will be sold for $3.99AUS (to adults 21 and over, of course), is equivalent in alcohol content to one shot. And at just 80 calories, the powder is around 17 fewer calories than a shot of liquid vodka or rum.... “You can’t double the dose of Palcohol or you would get [an undrinkable] mush,” he says, pointing out that people put two or three extra shots of liquid alcohol into drinks all the time." http://www.menshealth.com/health/truth-about-powdered-alcohol http://www.palcohol.com/home.html
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11% alcohol? That better be after mixing with water ... though I suspect it's not.
Best post tramp beer? Bealey pub after the 3 passes....my god,literally poured multiple pints of Speights down my throat for hours. Best on tramp drink? Top forks hut with a wine bladder watching avalanches tumble off Mt pollux. That's what I'm talking about...
Oh,btw the top forks session was with 2 Canadians doing an adventure consultants trek over rabbit pass.great afternoon. Having a lad like kreig around would have been good banter too!
Cheers Geoff. I have to say; no matter who I go tramping with, there's almost always great yarns to be shared, laughs to be had, and often weird randomness to be experienced. :D
My little luxury,apart from energy-imparting chocolate(almost qualifies as a medicine),is a 300ml plastic of Port;a tot each over two or three nights & bobs your uncle.
11–15 of 15

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