Question around gaiters

I know some people wear them and some don't. Do/should gaiters keep water out of you boots during river crossings? I'm thinking of getting a pair to protect my lower legs, but am struggling to find a pair that will fit my calves. So I am sort of wondering if it's worth it if they won't also keep water out from river crossings. Cheers
11–20 of 24

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. That gives me a nice range of info to consider with where I go with these.
I'm a big fan of gaiters, and rock the classic kiwi look - short, polyprop long johns, and gaiters. I find they keep my legs dry and saves them from being whipped to death by tussock. Gives me a bit more protection when walking through matagouri, hook grass, and gorse too.
I've got short ones for Summer, long ones for Winter. I find if I don't wear them I'm forever fishing bits of rock/twig/ice out of my socks and/or boots.
I weay a pair of Outdoor Research Crocodiles, gore tex, knee high length gaitors on most tramps. The cost about $80 new from Bivouac in 2010. They have sizes all the way from XS to XL, so should fit just about anyone. I think it is always best to actually try them on before you buy because a comfortable fit is important. They are purely for protection from stones, mud etc. getting into my boots. They will give you about 10 seconds of protection when crossing streams but after that not so much. If im crossing a large or deep river I take them off and stow them in my pack because they can cause a bit of drag. If im going out walking on good formed tracks (Great Walks, Chch city tracks etc. I mostly wouldnt bother)
Thanks for you input guys!!! It's given me an awesome cross section of view and ideas.
I use em everywhere, got some knee high one planet canvas jobs that are about 15 years old now. I gave up replacing the under loop about 8 years back, they don't slide up anyway (hook on your laces) and for those who hate the heat I recommend going for the looser fitting canvas type and leave the tops un tied (I cut the drawcords off mine). Gaiters are an absolute must for any alpine crossings down south.. spaniard grass is brutal
Just to clarify, do you have tiny leg muscles or are you looking to fit gaiters on your young dairy cows?
:? wtf, who are you ^ even talking to?
@chuzz, hahahaha I love it. :D
I mentioned on a previous forum topic that Aarn Tate was wearing gaiters he'd made from Kevlar and Cuben fabrics on a trip we were on. They were a prototype for a system where his gaiters would zip into his overtrousers and save weight.
11–20 of 24

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