Proper Hut etiquette

Well, I can't believe I'm asking this question, but I haven't stumbled on the answer in all my research, so here goes... 1) It's cold & rainy; you've finally arrived at the hut. You and all your clothing are soaked. 2) Not a swank Hut like the Milford; assume a hut with no changing room... 3) Boots off on the porch, then you go inside, only to find a bunch of people already there. 4) Gotta get out of the wet cold clothing, which means a complete strip-down. 5) Don't want to do it horizontally, enclosed in your nice dry down bag... What's the polite solution? Striptease? Seriously though; I wouldn't want to cause an international incident, or scare a couple of pre-teens or little old ladies. So, what's the accepted procedure?
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bigpaul i agree 100% with you i turn 53 in 3 weeks and i dont care at all Lindsay
Me too. Modesty isn't a useful attribute but I try not to offend (sometimes). I don't think we should leave nudity to the pin-up girls so I don't duck in to the shower to get changed in our all-female change room at work like the other women do! I just do what I would if there was no one else there (as far as nudity goes). Tramping does tend to ground people and level them out a bit, doesn't it? And there's no way I'm going to get my gear wet so people can't see my butt! We arrived wet as shags at a hut recently and all I was wearing was my rain gear as an experiment. Frank took his rain gear off outside in the tiny porch and suggested I do the same to keep the hut dry but I explained I had nothing on underneath so I went inside and changed. The fellow there may have noticed and had to cope but he was a well-travelled, long in the tooth character... Frank has a story about arriving at a hut and knocking on the door. The poor lone woman just about had kittens because she was having a wash! Just as well he always knocks if the bolt's undone.
1 deleted post from LaptopTa
31–33 of 33

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