One Square meals.

I always thought that the one square meal were a great idea, but found the Apricot ones to be quite plain and I struggle to eat them. Tried the new Cranberry and black current one last weekend and found it delicious. Going to make sure I have a few in my pack all the time from now on. Whats everyones thoughts on them?
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"I just cook up some lentils and rice and some form of fat, usually coconut oil, put it in a container and eat it when I need it." I'm intrigued by this idea Waynowski. Do you find it messy to eat when tramping? Wonder if you could elaborate a bit more about how you prepare it. Do you use any flavourings or is it just eaten bland?
Waynowski's a real bloke. My partner Frank decided he was just going to live on rice 3 times a day on one tramp. After 3 days, he wasn't so enthusiastic. Not so keen on rice these days...Basmati rice and red lentils take the same amount of time to cook so can be cooked up together. Check out my awesome Curry recipe on this forum.
The OSM Cranberry bites are good and I buy the 8 packs direct off the franchisee for much better than supermarket prices. (I find nearly all the muesli bars too sweet for my tastes but the OSM bites at 17.6g sugars per 100g are tolerable) I rarely eat more than one OSM bite per day though and rely on scroggin as my main lunch/snack food. A tip with scroggin that "Alpine" gave me that I've adopted is to pad out the goodies with wholegrain oats. I was sceptical at first as I thought the mix would be too dry but it is fine. A bonus with such a mix is that you can use it for muesli or porridge as well.
"I just cook up some lentils and rice and some form of fat, usually coconut oil, put it in a container and eat it when I need it." "I'm intrigued by this idea Waynowski. Do you find it messy to eat when tramping? Wonder if you could elaborate a bit more about how you prepare it. Do you use any flavourings or is it just eaten bland?" coconut oil in a seperate container, its often solid in the mountains. not messy at all. boil it up for a meal, cook extra . put it in a sealed container to carry on the track, . flavour it with whatever you like, i use a bit of chili.. i'm not big on fancy flavouring... i prefer three to four parts lentils to one part rice
21–24 of 24

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On 14 August 2009
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