What do you eat!

As a follow on to the thread about freeze dried food, what do you eat when you go bush? Last time I went out for 3 days I had: Bfast at home: sandwiches, fruit, 2x muesli bars Steak w. instant mash, peas/corn/carrot mix, chocolate bar,tea, orange drink (pkt: cold) Muesli w. fruit, tea crackers w. tuna, muesli bar, water freeze dried 2 serve (Fettucine), crackers, fruit leather, tea, orange drink (pkt: hot) Freeze dried 1 serve (Beef hotpot), crackers, tea total: 750gms Apart from the above I carry sugar for my tea, and an emergency meal of OSM bars in my pack. Im wondering what other people carry.
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^^^ true that! I make up ration packs before I head out on anything longer than a couple of days - a full day's food wrapped up tight in a supermarket bag with the day-to-eat written on it (first/last day are generally only one or two meals). The bags then get reused for laundry/rubbish/firestarters. Breakfast : Couple of sachets of Uncle Tobys porridge (the sugary as hell ones I wouldn't touch at home), big handful of dried fruit, cup of coffee. Those Grower's Cup brew in the bag things Bivouac have been giving away with orders are a nice little luxury, they make a decent couple of cups. Lunch - I'll usually take as much Burgen bread as I can squish in. Then eat a couple of slices per day with a 2 minute pasta, salami and a hunk of tasty cheese (mainland cheese sticks are pretty good). Dinner - I stretch a BCC 2 serve with some instant mashed spuds and a small bag of dried mix veg, just right for two. Desert is half a peanut slab each. Cuppa tea to finish. Snacks - mixed nuts, Snak Logs, fresh fruit (for the first day or two). I also take a sachet of Vitasport drink in case anyone gets a bit dehydrated. I'm a big fan of Kaweka meals when weight doesn't matter - their 'beans bangers & bacon' sets you up for the day very nicely!
A lot of great food suggestions here. I'd like to add cheese spud for breakfast. I cup of potato flakes, i cup of soup for flavouring, some salami and a sprinkling of grated cheese. Just add boiling water and mix. It's a great binder and my kids love it.
I tramp with people that eat cheesy mash spud for breakfast One person I tramp with starts the day with 2 minute noodles with fish floss sprinkled on top. He gets the fish floss from Taiwan but you can buy very similar pork floss in most asian groceries. Both of these do tick all the boxes in the nutritional breakfast stakes but Im not sure my stomach could handle that first thing.
Not much has changed in the HVTC, I see Geeves :-)
Apart from the occasional new face why change a good thing?
Something that looks interesting to take along. http://www.today.com/food/beer-concentrate-lets-you-take-brews-outdoor-adventure-2D11741579
I think I will keep to a nice cab merlot
Depending on the trip I vary what I take with. If it's an overnighter I take a bottle sherry and a scrumpy. Longer trips I tend to take bourbon or scotch.
You can buy bonito (mackerel) flakes from Asian stores. It's pretty delicious and pretty expensive, unfortunately. It would be equivalent to Taiwanese fish floss. Delicious with egg powder, sweet soy sauce (Indonesian) and Japanese mayonnaise.
1 day = 1 chicken Breakfast - Chicken Lunch - chicken/Xmas mince pies. Dinner - chicken
21–30 of 51

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Forum Food
Started by bradley1
On 6 December 2013
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