Holdsworth-Jumbo Circuit suitablity for family

We are a family of 2 adults and 2 children (13 & 11yrs). Mum & Dad have reasonable tramping experiance but are new to Wellington and the Tararuas. The children are starting out (keen day hikers with only 2 overnight tramps experiance). We are keen to to the Holdsworth-Jumbo circuit and are interested in anyones input as to the suitability of this tramp for children. One question I have is are there any 2 or 3 wire bridges on this tramp? Any tips on what (or what not) to do specific to this tramp would be appreciated.
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I visited there a number of years ago too. Navigated from Jumbo to Mcgregor Biv in a storm. I recall a flat bit north of Angle Knob, a couple of tarns but not sure if there were any signs or a track. I don't recall any problems, though McGregor Biv was further down from the ridge top than I expected. Say hello to the mice at McGregor Biv from me. I don't think I have seen mice quite so bold before. They made no attempt to hide, kind of stood there saying, "piss off out of OUR hut".
thanks chaps looks like i better get some photos and do a wee report on McGregor when we get home :)
Weather doesn't look all that flash for the weekend, although it's clearing somewhat for Sunday. Bring the extra thermals, it's a southerly all weekend.
Southerlies are good. There are generally fine spells between the squalls snd snow flurries and generally the weather will be improving as the southerly continues. But, as you say, dress up warm because it is going to be cold.
sadly we didnt get to Mc Gregor due to weather so had a very nice night at jumbo then over to east Holdsworth through the snow and ice and down and out via east Holdsworth track maby next time will get there great trip though but that raingauge spur is a killer
Apparently it's the seventh steepest climb in the Tararuas (according to some old codger I met once)
11–20 of 26

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Forum Beginners and newbies
Started by familytrampers
On 16 January 2007
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