Need a tent on the Rees-Dart?

G'day. Five other Tasmanians and I will be doing some tramping in the Glenorchy area in March 2009. We're wondering whether a tent would be considered an essential safety precaution when we walk the Rees-Dart Track. We're hoping to travel light, and stay in huts. I've had some South Island tramping experience, as well as around 30 years of experience in Tasmania (where I work for the National Park Service). I may have transport & other queries too, but will first see how kind you guys are to an inquisitive (Aussie) South Islander :-) cheers Peter
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I went on a club trip recently and had forgotten what they were like. The leader had a 4 person fly from a Spectrum dome tent for the rest of them. As I was an extra I took a fly. We failed to find the new Anne Hut in the dusk and had to camp. Just as well I had that fly - it rained gently in the night.
11–12 of 12

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Started by peter.grant
On 3 July 2008
Replies 11
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