Packing food for 7 days tramping+emergency food.

Hi guys. I'm sure this type of topic has been discussed before but its good for me to have fresh and new ideas for food for my next trip. Last march I was tramping in the routeburn and the Matukituki valley and for the first time I tried the famous "backcountry food". I would be very honest with you...I was disgusted by the end of stomach was bloated and I was farting every 3 minutes :D. So if I want to keep dehydrated food only for emergency how would you pack for one week tramping avoiding "backcountry" ?
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Somehow missed this thread: another thing that keeps well is oat bread (we take Oatilicious) + wrapped cheese slices. Works fine for 4 to 5 days. That's my lunch choice.
Thanks Berend. I have been doing some research and I worked out something that can be tasty and healthy too. Thinking of Parmiggiano cheese which is full of protein Tuna in bags a brand called johnny west and seafcoal make little bag of 170 gr with simple tuna,tuna with beans or tuna with thai sauce. Then pita bread or Lebanese bread that can squeeze in quite easy and then brown rise that is fast cooking a bag of lentils and probably some backcountry food for emergency.
I've gone dairy-free so that's a challenge but found a feta made from coconut oil among other things. Thinking of extending it with hummus and pesto. Bought a salami today. There are yeast-based spreads too that can mimic cheese but I need to avoid soy. Matthew's a vegan so he probably has some good ideas for lunches. I usually have boiled eggs as well and pate though I'm not keen on it and there's not a lot of liver in it. I need to make my own but with working full-time etc. don't want to be spending too much time in the kitchen.
21–23 of 23

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Forum Food
Started by giuseppe23
On 1 October 2018
Replies 22
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