Packing food for rodent protection

What do people do to protect their food from rodents - rat/ mice when staying in huts. The last time we were on an overnight they got into our food and we lost a bit of it. They chewed through plastic bags containing cereal, bread and some other stuff. I am thinking of using hard plastic containers. What do you do ?
11–15 of 15

Great advice, guys!
I stayed at dickeys flat in the kaimai mamaku park, had a rat chew into the tent and got into all but some food. so glad it didnt eat my pack. I was told to spray deodorant around the outside base of the tent to mask any smell?. Got the blighter with the slingshot anyway!
My school just lost 8 packs due to the nasty little rodents! there was no food in them but the smell must've been hanging round
A sealed packet of dried apricots was removed from a tent for some hours after a raid by a white tailed rat. The rat came back simply because it already associated the tent with a source of food. I've known them to raid a pack for toothpaste once.
So glad we don't have bears!
11–15 of 15

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Forum Food
Started by Daryle
On 30 August 2010
Replies 14
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