Oteake Conservation Park

A new park covering the ranges near St Bathans, south of the Waitaki River.

This park was opened 13 May 2010. It includes parts of the St Bathans, Hawkdun, Ida, Ewe and St Mary Ranges. There is ample evidence of past gold mining operations in the area.

Several old musterers' huts lie within the park: Boundary Creek Hut, Top Hut, and
Otamatapaio Hut. Camping is available at Homestead Campsite. Various existing routes offer options for mountain biking, 4WD, and tramping. The Mount Ida Water Race Track follows a still functioning water race from gold mining days. Some tracks are shared with 4WD vehicles, but are only open to vehicles from Labour Weekend to end April.


648 square kilometres
ID 5452

About this place

Added 24 May 2010 by matthewmatthew. 3 revisions, most recently 9 February 2014 by matthewmatthew.
35 views in the past year (3 per month).