4th lake (unnamed) in the Florence Stream

4th lake (unnamed) in the Florence Stream

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 7456 created 24 February 201024 February 2010 by gavinsgavins.

A fantastic series of lakes up the Florence Stream



  • madpom madpom I'm jealous. Looks beautiful on a good day! On my two trips to this area have spent my time as follows 1) 3 days fly-camped with a foot of water on every flat surface until the river dropped and I could get back out again; and 2) 1 day clinging to tussocks and sheltering in hollows when the NW gusts hit, before abandoning the crossing to Lake Roe at the snow line (because I ran out of tussocks to cling onto).
    21 September 2010
  • Ancient Tramper Brilliant photos. The Dusky Track has such a reputation for mud and rain, it's great to see it when the weather's fine. Was this a major variation of the standard Dusky route?
    26 February 2010
ID 5066

About this photograph

Added 24 February 2010 by gavins. 1 revision 24 February 2010 by gavinsgavins.
20 views in the past year (2 per month).