Hokuri Creek

Hokuri Creek

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 6231 created 23 August 200923 August 2009 by YarmossYarmoss.

Looking upstream from the mouth of the Hokuri Creek where it flows into Lake McKerrow, a short distance North of Hokuri hut. A pleasant walk along the lakes beach and an easy crossing on that gravel bar was much nicer then following the Hollyford track in the trees.


  • bmackz So thats what it "normally" looks like. We came round from Big Bay in torrential rain and had to swim all the side creeks as the lake was several metres up. Hokuri Creek was a raging brown torrent and we were delighted the long 3 wire was intact unlike the first bridge north of here.
    14 May 2010
ID 4296

About this photograph

Added 23 August 2009 by Yarmoss. 1 revision 23 August 2009 by YarmossYarmoss.
46 views in the past year (4 per month).