Lake Gunn to Falls Creek.

  • 1 – 2 days one way
  • Hard

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 5178 created 10 April 200910 April 2009 by diceydicey.

A challenging day trip or overnight trip in Fiordland.

Lake Gunn to Falls Creek.: Key information
Walking time
1 – 2 days
8 hr – 10 hr
One way
One way
Bush Bashing around Lake Gunn, a steep climb upto the hanging valley of Melita Creek and a very steep descent into Falls Creek. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Lake Gunn to Falls Creek.: Find it
At the Head of Lake Gunn, the Milford end of the lake.
Christie Falls, the one lane bridge on the Milford Road
500m – 1,309m
Altitude change 809m

Camping Options:

At the start of your trip there is a DOC campsite next to Lake Gunn so this would be a great place to camp the night before your trip.

At the mouth of Melita Stream there is a nice spot for a tent or two and you could camp on the saddle (1309) or in the head of Melita Stream or in the head of Falls Creek.

This track needs a photograph.
ID 3623

About this track

Added 9 April 2009 by diceydicey. 4 revisions, most recently 10 April 2009 by diceydicey.
80 views in the past year (7 per month).