Taraire Track

Waitakere Ranges Regional Park

  • 1 hr loop track
  • Easy/medium

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 25139 created 26 December 201526 December 2015 by matthewmatthew.

A short loop walk at Karekare.

Taraire Track: Key information
Walking time
1 hr
Loop track
Loop track
Narrow track over rough ground with poor marking. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Taraire Track: Find it
Lone Kauri Road, above Karekare car park.
Karekare Road just north of Karekare car park.
10m – 170m
Altitude change 160m

The Taraire Track explores the forested valleys in behind Karekare, providing a good contrast to the blacksand beach walks. The track can be hard to follow due to variable marking standards and a heavy coating of taraire leaves obliterating the path.

Karekare is accessed by turning off Piha Road onto Karekare Road or Lone Kauri Road. A large car park by the beach fills up quickly at weekends (accessible toilets here). From the Karekare car park, head south along the road until it climbs for a few minutes. Watch for the "La Trobe Track" signpost at the view of Karekare Falls. 

Take the track over a bridge and down to the bottom of the falls. There is a picnic area here under pohutukawa trees. 

The Taraire Track leads uphill. The narrow track climbs through wind-sculpted pohutukawa and kanuka, into a forest of karaka, taraire, and young kauri. After 30 minutes the track eases off and drops across a small stream. A vague track leads down the valley. A few marker pegs lead uphill and over a second easy ridge to the La Trobe Track junction. This track is currently closed. 

An easy stroll through manuka and tree ferns leads to a little stream. Cross it and follow it most of the way down the hillside to the road.

This track needs a photograph.
ID 15937

About this track

Added 26 December 2015 by matthewmatthew. 2 revisions, most recently 26 December 2015 by matthewmatthew.
74 views in the past year (6 per month).