Arthur's Pass National Park

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An alpine park straddling the Main Divide between Canterbury and the West Coast of the South Island.

Carroll Memorial Hut • By ledge.
{1529}The eastern parts of the park are noted for dry beech forests and wide, braided rivers. The western ranges are wetter and more diverse. Established in 1929, this was the third national park, and the first in the South Island. The park is bisected by SH73 which provides a route from Christchurch to Greymouth. The Arthur's Pass village provides food and accommodation. There are ample tramping opportunites, as well as worthwhile short walks from the road.
1,145 square kilometres
ID 1297

About this place

Added 3 February 2006 by matthewmatthew. 10 revisions, most recently 16 November 2006 by matthewmatthew.
66 views in the past year (6 per month).