
Kiwi Hut

glennj glennj 28 Dec 2015 This hut has been getting a fair bit of use lately between TA walkers and hunters. Glad to see it has been adopted.
hazel 1 Dec 2014
graeme jackson 10 Jun 2013 great spot with potential,a busy hut with plenty of trampers as hut book shows,I do drive to this hut as I have taken over maintenance from D.O.C and have stoat traps and have interest in Kiwi population also handy to the Trent-Haupiri for access,but most hunters who access this area are not low-life types as Honora suggests and trampers are always welcome with dry firewood at hut etc,I admire the trampers who tramp the distance they do and they need this hut as a shelter,a recent visitor was stuck here for a week surviving on plants etc when heavy rain stopped him WX. plenty of kiwis nearby and a healthy bird population
glennj glennj 25 Feb 2009
iangeorge iangeorge 2 Feb 2009
Andrew Barker Andrew Barker 22 Dec 2004
matthew matthew 16 Jan 1999
lisa_puddles lisa_puddles 1 Sep 1995